Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Dose of Matrimony?

Think I should do it?

It'd be a nice fuck you! to The Man, but . . . marriage is as much of a tool of The Man as religion.

Maybe I should do one of those pros/cons tables:


--A nice fuck you! to The Man
--Power (of a sort) . . . sweet, sweet power. . . .
--Receptions, free food, free booze
--Three hundred clams just to say some words that don't mean anything
--Don't have license or car, but can probably bum rides to and from with friends
--I can make people call me "Your Ministership" . . . and get out of work for religious reasons?
--Marrying gay atheists.
--Meet interesting people
--Some new clothes that can also double as "job interview" togs, because I am this close at work
--Might help me drag the big stick out of my ass re: marriage.


--Marriage . . . a tool of The Man?
--Responsibility (not being late to weddings, not flubbing lines, not giggling or being sarcastic)
--Receptions, crappy free food, watered down free booze
--Possible loss of the occasional night or weekend
--My dirtbag friends--not likely to be welcome on a solemn occasion.
--Ministership, meh. I'd prefer to be called Her Awesomeness. Not likely to happen. Plus, time off for religious reasons would still cut into my PTO.
--Putting the shackles of matrimony on (probably) nice people.
--I hate people.
--Will probably have to get something fancy and not riddled with holes to wear, which would cut into my steampunk wardrobe budget.
--Hypocritical of me to usher others into something I couldn't imagine doing (unless I was getting paid to help someone stay in the country)?

Any insight from the public at large would be appreciated.

Freshly back from the dentist, where to my delight, not only was cavity Number Six close to the nerve, but they didn't give me enough novocaine (sp?), and so had to stop halfway through due to me thrashing and mewling like a throat-cut lamb due to the intense fucking waves of pain.

Curse my cavity-prone genes.

Found this, and am instantly in love with it, hope the rest of the blog is as interesting.

PhillyChief mentioned RuPaul's Drag Race in a post or comment somewhere, so I gave it a look-see over the weekend. Watched the marathon. I actually can't wait for season two, if there is one. I still think Nina Flowers should've won.

I love the Man of La Mancha soundtrack. One of the best operas ever.

The reading up on arguments and apologetics slogs on. Not sure how much I've internalized, but, well, I'm soon to find out.

Tempted to start Practical Ethics, but I own that. Once I've made more headway on the skillion library books I've had out since forever, then I'll start on Mr. Singer.

More to say, none of it important. After a restless night and pain-filled morning I'm achy, woozy, and ready to take some acetaminophen and crash till Judge Judy comes on. Or maybe till Olbermann comes on, the way I feel.

Gotta love a day off from work.

"No horror can be more terrible than the daily torture of the commonplace." --HP Lovecraft


  1. Your Awesomeness

    (just thought SOMEONE should say it to you once in your life)

    Good update and thanks for cluing me in to "Unscrewing the Inscrutable". Take a look at the latest video they have up. It's hilarious/scary.

    "--I hate people."


  2. Your Awesomeness,

    If you were ordained, it would force me into a contradictory situation. See, I'd have to hate you for imprisoning people in marriages unsanctioned by Frodo. Only Frodo can truly bless holy slavimony. On the other hand, you'd... wait, no, it was just that. No contradiction. You'd just be a heathen apostate to me. Is that something you want tarnishing your new Cretin credentials?

  3. ::QE2 wave::

    You're pretty awesome, too. Not as awesome as me, obviously, but still. For a distant second, you're not too shabby ;D

    I'm liking Unscrewing--not surprised that I do, but very glad. Haven't watched the video, but will report back when I do. That may involve some restarting of the Insolent Beast I access the internets on.

    Hate's actually not the right word. I loathe most of the people I meet in RL or am forced to spend time with. Some say, that's a sign there's something wrong with me. I say that's a sign some should shut their fucking pieholes, because I hate them, too and they bloody well just got served.

    Heh, I'm awesome and mature.
    ::pops collar::

  4. Your Awesomeness,

    So far, I agree with you completely, and can't imagine that could possibly change at any point throughout your reply.

    If you were ordained, it would force me into a contradictory situation. See, I'd have to hate you

    ::puppy eyes of doom::
    You c-could . . . hate? M-me?
    ::trembly lower lip::

    for imprisoning people in marriages unsanctioned by Frodo. Only Frodo can truly bless holy slavimony.

    Is this your clever way of getting me to join Frodologists in holy slavimony? That's cool with me, as long as I get a unique, official title that includes "awesome" or "awesomeness".

    On the other hand, you'd... wait, no, it was just that. No contradiction.

    I dunno . . . marrying the atheists to each other keeps them from marrying unsuspecting Frodologists. Or people of other, lesser faiths who have yet to become Frodologists. The way I see it, I'm painting lambs blood on doors, here.

    You'd just be a heathen apostate to me. Is that something you want tarnishing your new Cretin credentials?

    No . . . but hasn't my perfect Cretinism become boring to Frodo? Shouldn't I be straying the path just a little, to keep you on your toes? I heard Frodo loves a prodigal. I could potentially be the prodiest gal of all :D

  5. John Evo: "Everyone knows monkeys don't live for seven million years!"

    ROTFLMAO! Brilliant!

  6. Your Awesomeness,

    I dunno . . . marrying the atheists to each other keeps them from marrying unsuspecting Frodologists. Or people of other, lesser faiths who have yet to become Frodologists. The way I see it, I'm painting lambs blood on doors, here.

    You know what, you have a point. But we are of course assuming that those amoral atheists won't just engage in polygamy. How would you prevent that?

    No . . . but hasn't my perfect Cretinism become boring to Frodo? Shouldn't I be straying the path just a little, to keep you on your toes? I heard Frodo loves a prodigal. I could potentially be the prodiest gal of all :D

    You won't become a Couch Jumper by straying far from the Path. It takes an awful lot of one track thinking to become that blindly devoted!

