Sunday, December 7, 2008

Dose of Reality!

Proof-positive that humans evolved--not just from monkeys, but from demons, as well!

I for one, am neither shocked, nor appalled. I can't wait to try out my demonic powers. And this certainly explains all the unfortunate body hair I combat with razors and Nair. Thrice daily.

The video is also apropos for another reason. Everyone seems to be pressuring me to get into WoW: my friends, Ozzy Osbourne--my mother, for corn's sake!--and I'm wondering if I should succumb to the pressure.

Only one of my friends, a Final Fantasy fan-boy, is trying to save me from the perdition that is WoW. But only so my eyes won't glaze over when he talks about FF.

It's all the same to me, though I do have a soft-spot for FF from the Eighties, when I used to play it for ten hours straight on my NES . . . oh, yeah. The original FF, on the original Nintendo system.

(What's that?

No, I'm not old! You're old! And you smell like feet!)

So for once, I found myself at GameStop not to buy used dvds--"Hell Comes To Frogtown", on dvd? Pricekless--but to check out WoW. I asked a helpful and geekily hot staff member if she recommended it. She said she thought it was only okay, but everyone she knows loves it. That it's lotsa fun only if you don't mind having a second, all-consuming life spent killing trolls with people you will never meet in RL.

That actually sounds perfect, to me. Especially all the killing and not meeting. But I have to see this woman on a bi-monthly basis, and give her my debit card, so I try not to creep her out. Much.

I took her advice and got a 14-day demo for two bucks instead of the actual game for ten times that. I'm gonna start the trial on Xmas Eve, which means I'll have most of a day to find out if I like it before I have to go back to work. Then a whole weekend after that to play some more.

I'm nothing if not a cheap, money-grubbing bastid. But with good reason.

Office's annual Festivus party in a few hours. I plan to take full advantage of the open bar, as per usual.

Reading "Atheism: The Case Against God", by George Smith. Pretty dry reading, but thorough. Interesting. After that, it's either "Unweaving The Rainbow", or that Irvine Welsh novel I got. Probably Rainbow, since I've never been able to get into Irvine Welsh no matter how hard I try.

Slowly making my way through the piles of unread books. Continuing to learn stuff. Still in my Good Place for a record three straight days.

"The Seether is neither big nor small. The Seether is the center of it all."--Veruca Salt


  1. That actually sounds perfect, to me. Especially all the killing and not meeting. But I have to see this woman on a bi-monthly basis, and give her my debit card, so I try not to creep her out. Much.

    Gotta keep 'em on their toes! Hahah. Have you seen the parodies of WoW that South Park and the Simpsons do? Absolutely hilarious.

  2. The South Park ones, yeah, lol. Haven't watched The Simpsons in over year--or regularly for nearly a decade. Yikes. I am old.

    I like keeping people on their toes, but not because they're running from me like their hair's on fire and their ass is catching :)

    Office Xmas party? A blast. Mediocre-bordering-on-bad food, plenty of booze, I sexually harassed damn near everyone there including a couple of my supervisors, and I found out a guy who got fired last Tuesday--and who I found serial killer-creepy--tried to scrag himself the same night.

    Overall? Can't-miss entertainment, I must say. It almost makes the entire year before it worth it.

  3. The office xmas party is a time of year when people can forget their inhibitions, until they wake up the following morning with news ones and the shameful remembrance of what happened to the old ones.

    The Simpsons episode I was referring to is called Marge Gamer. It's a relatively new one, but don't let that throw you, it's *actually* pretty good.
